Bring a basket of fried potatoes and mix them with herbs


Things needed:

A quartet of huge potatoes

Fresh haché persil soup in two glasses

You may choose between mashed green onions and chicken soup in one cuillère.

2 tablespoons of feta soup

To taste, add one coffee tablespoon of salt.

Coffee with half a cup of black pepper

Oil for friture.


Peel and core the apples from the ground:


Blending the components:

Put the chopped potatoes, chopped garlic, green onions (or ciboulettes), and milk flakes into a large bowl.

adding pepper and salt.

For a uniform distribution of components, combine well.

Coordinate construction:

Distribute the potato wedge mixture evenly over a large plate or flat surface, leaving a thickness of about 1/4 inch.

With about one piece on each side, divide the aplati mixture into little carrés.

Give the squares a spin:

In a skillet or fry pan, bring the oil to a temperature of 350°F (175°C).

To achieve a combination of crispiness and tenderness, fry the potato carrés in batches for about two to three minutes each side.

After taking the squares out of the fryer, place them on paper towels to soak up any extra grease.

The food is served:

Accompany or serve as a collation the warm, croustillant potato carrés.

Please know how much I like your crispy potato carrés.

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