
Here are 5 plants that can help keep spiders, ants, flies, and mosquitoes out of our homes.



No one wants their house to be invaded by ants, spiders, flies, or scorpions. Some small animals are not dangerous, but they can be very bothersome and even spread bacteria.


Flies are small bugs that are very dirty because they eat and reproduce on poop or rotting things. And to think that when they come into our houses, they also end up on our food.


Luckily, some plants can help us repel these bugs from our houses and are a great option instead of insecticides. Insecticides work well but contain harmful chemicals that can be toxic to our health.


Árbol de eucalipto. If you are scared of spiders, this plant is one of the best ways to keep them from coming near you. In a study from 2018, it was found that eucalyptus oil is very effective at keeping spiders away.


Albahaca. There are lots of homemade repellents made with this fragrant plant. Basil is very good at keeping mosquitoes away because they don’t like its smell.


Lavender. It is one of the best ways to keep flies, mosquitoes, and fleas away. The smell of this plant is nice to us, but insects don’t like it and make sure to stay away from it.


Romero. To keep spiders, ants, flies, and scorpions away from your home, simply put a rosemary plant in the right spot.


Sabio. Its powerful smell repels most bugs. You can put it inside or on the balcony to keep them out.