


List of ingredients:


A package of medium size. I used 16-ounce bags of dried beans from the North.

I sometimes use 3 to 4 meaty ham hock shanks, or a meaty ham bone.

1 chopped white onion.

Sufficient water to submerge the beans.

Add salt and pepper according to your preference.

1/3 cup of light brown sugar.







First, I began by sorting the beans to remove any pebbles. Then, I washed them with cold water.

Next, I put the washed beans, onion, salt, pepper, and chopped ham into the slow cooker.

Next, I poured in water until the beans were covered by about 2 inches. This could give you around 6 to 8 cups.

Step 4: After finishing, I put a lid on and cooked on low heat for about 2 hours. Then, I lowered the heat and kept cooking for another 4 to 5 hours until the beans were soft.

Step 5: After that, I took out the ham shanks or hocks and removed all the beef.

Step 6: After that, I put the meat back in the slow cooker and added the brown sugar.

Step 7: I discovered that it was very helpful to pour out about 1 cup of the liquid before adding the brown sugar, depending on how thick or thin the beans are. Then, I mixed everything gently together.

Finally, I chose to put some in separate bowls for serving.