



The bathroom is a crucial area in the house, but it can be challenging to keep it clean. Yet, there is a trick to maintaining a clean and white toilet bowl, known by experienced homemakers. Discover how to do it using everyday and powerful ingredients.

The Difficulty of Cleaning the Toilet

The bathroom is where we go to take care of our personal hygiene and do our business. It can quickly gather germs and bacteria. The toilet can easily get dirty with tough stains that are hard to clean, affecting how the bathroom looks and how clean it is.

The Answer: Ingredients that are widely used and work well.

While water and baking soda are commonly suggested, there is a special technique that has been handed down from one generation of homemakers to the next: a DIY mixture made with everyday ingredients. To make it, you will need citric acid, flour, salt, dish soap, and, if you want, essential oils for scent.

Tips for a Clean Toilet Bowl

Combine lemon juice, flour, salt, and dish soap in a bowl of water.
Put the solution in the toilet bowl and leave it there for a few minutes.
Flush the toilet to clean away the liquid.
Use a cloth to clean off any leftover cleaning solution from the toilet bowl.

Safety measures and last thoughts

It’s important to wear rubber gloves when working with the solution because citric acid can irritate the skin. Also, remember to clean the toilet well with water after using the cleaning product to prevent leaving any leftover product.

With this easy and efficient technique, you can maintain your toilet bowl looking clean and white, without using strong chemicals. Have a clean and fresh bathroom using simple and inexpensive natural products!